Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009

"The Perfect Plan:)"

To My Lovliest Family And Friends!

I have mixed emotions and I have been so down but yet my heart is full of happiness because of the perfect plan Heavenly Father has laid out for us! So I got Crysty's e-mail last week and it slightly mentioned sorry to hear about Grandma Swim. I was shocked and my heart sunk. I had no idea what could be wrong with Grandma and I know mom would have called if she passed away. I immediately called the mission office and when Sister Farnsworth answered I asked her if mom had called and told her anyhting about Grandma. She quickly expressed concern and asked if President called me. I replied saying no and she felt so bad and I guess there was a mix up. President got busy with taking care of all of us and he forgot to call me and let me know that Grandma Swim had passed away:( Right away President told Sister Fanrsworth I could call mom and so when I did she answered the phone happy as can be and I was devistated to say the least! How could mom be so happy? Grandma Swim is my everything and has taught me so much! Not to forget, the teachings of the gospel...especially eternal marriage! She would always tell me to be married in the temple and the best kind of men are those return her cute way!:) After talking with mom and Maria I was quickly assured it was for the better but still so sad and then mom even reminded me a couple of things that brought me more comfort. One of those things including the Plan of happiness and knowing that I will will one day be with Grandma again! This week has been such a tender mercy for me because I have had little things happen where I have felt my Savior's love and his comfort. So although I am sad being away from home (more than ever before!) I know that I am ok. To name a tender mercy or 2 that brought me happiness is that the day after I found out about this Sister Johanson and I had a scheduled split with the west side sisters because they had 2 appointments to cover and needed some help. The lesson Sister Wadsworth and I were on with their investigator was the Plan Of Salvation and it brought tears to my eyes. I was able to testify of what I know to be true about the Plan to Angelia and it could not have been more sweet for me. How special to feel the Savior's hand stretched out to me and to be able to teach this at that specific time. It could not have been better! Another little thing, on Monday night we had a dinner appointment with a random family in a family ward who just wanted to feed the sisters and at the conclusion of dinner we were talking to Krista and Fabio about November 22nd which is the "Special Thanksgiving Sunday" and every member of the NY Stake has been extended the challege to bring a friend to church. Well, Fabio was telling us about a girl who is single in one of his classes at NYU and he is trying to invite her and wants us to meet her as soon as possible because she is very interested in the church. She had a roommate in Boston that was a member and this girl always remembered that about her. Well guess what her name is?!?! Eleanor!! Grandma's name! Talk about perfection!! I know this gospel is true and I want the world to hear the perfect plan that has been laid out for us! So with that being said, it is time to go out for the evening but I love you all and miss you lots. Until next time...XOXO!

Love you always,
Sister Miller

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